Participation Points by Class
Senior 40+ C366
Vet 30+ C185
RPV by Class
Senior 40+ C3666
Vet 30+ C183
2017 Motocross Results
Promoter ClassAMA ClassFinishPoints
6/16/2017 Mammoth Motocross Mammoth Lakes, CA
Sunday 40 CSenior 40+ C291
Saturday 40 CSenior 40+ C341
Sunday 30 CVet 30+ CDNS
Saturday 30 CVet 30+ CDNS0
4/30/2017 Road to Mammoth Pala, CA
S1 --- 40 CSenior 40+ C65
4/23/2017 Road to Mammoth Prairie City Rancho Cordova, CA
V2 --- 30 CVet 30+ C231
S1 --- 40 CSenior 40+ C311
3/19/2017 333 MX Park Midwest Area Qualifier/Road to Mammoth Victorville, CA
S1 --- 40 CSenior 40+ C57
V2 --- 30 CVet 30+ C65
3/5/2017 Road to Mammoth Oatfield Snelling, CA
S1 --- 40 CSenior 40+ C311
V2 --- 30 CVet 30+ C612