Racer Moto 1 Overall Finish Advancement Points
Jonathon Churchill1120
Spencer Wollet2218
Blake Cain3316
Alan Tallos4414
Jacob Pondell5513
Joseph Aldrich6612
Matt Weber7711
Dan Rudd8810
Thomas Tuinstra999
Mike Loomis10108


Advancement Classes

96-200 B96-200 C96-200A201-250 A201-250 B201-250 C251-Open A251-Open B251-OpenCLOI E1LOI E2LOI E3LOI SeniorPRO/AASenior 40 yrs and up BSenior 40yrs and up ASenior 40yrs and up CSuper Senior 50yrs and up ASuper Senior 50yrs and up BSuper Senior 50yrs and up CVeteran 30yrs and up BVeteran 30yrs and up AVeteran 30yrs and up CWomen C

Non-Advancement Classes

JUNIORMasters 60+Women A/B